Special Education Needs and Disability Information

 SEND Information Report

What does Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) mean?

A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for additional educational provision/support to be made for him or her.
A child may have a learning difficulty if they have
a) a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or
b) a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.

SEND Code of Practice (2014, p 4)

When does a student go onto the SEND Register at OPGS?

A student will go onto the SEND Register when they have a medical, and/or physical disability and/or learning difficulty and have support outside of the classroom. This may also include students with mental health difficulties attending mindfulness support or counselling sessions. Students with diagnoses are not automatically added to the Register. Students come off the Register when the support is no longer deemed necessary.

The SEND Register includes those students who have a recognised need and:
• who have extra support in school outside lessons, e.g., small group or individual support.
• OR who receive support from external agencies.

It is separated from other vulnerable students:
• who have differentiated support in lessons following strategies implemented by their class teachers.
• who are a cause for concern for other reasons.

Oakwood Park Grammar School is committed to

  • High quality teaching
  • • Excellent standards of behaviour from all students
  • • A wide range of exceptional opportunities for all students
  • • Personalized Information, Advice and Guidance for all students at every stage of their school career
  • • Outstanding professional development opportunities for staff

Our aims for all learners with SEND

  • Identify all students needing additional support at the earliest opportunity.
  • • Ensure that appropriate support is given to allow every child full and inclusive access to the curriculum and achieve their potential.
  • • Involve parents, students, and others in developing a partnership of support.
  • • To ensure that pupils with SEND are supported by the Mainstream Core Standards in accordance with Kent’s Strategy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 2021-2024. These standards are underpinned by (Section 66 of the Children and Families Act 2014) and The Equalities Act 2010.
  • We strive to be an inclusive school, fostering a sense of community and belonging through our
  • • Inclusive ethos
  • • Systems for early identification of barriers to learning and participation
  • • High expectations and appropriate targets for all students.
  • • Intervention via one-to-one/small group support, software programmes and specialised resources
  • • Counselling, anxiety support and mentoring services

The OPGS Student Development & Support (SDS) Team

Ms J Bevan: Deputy Headteacher
Ms H. Worrall: SENCo. SDS Lead.
Mrs A. Harries: SDS Assistant.
Mr R Beadle: SDS Intern.
Email: office@opgs.org – please mark emails for the attention of SDS or SENCo.
Phone: 01622 726683

1. What kinds of Special Educational Needs (SEND) does the school cater for?

a. Communication and interaction
e.g., speech, language, and communication needs (SLCN) Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC)

b. Cognition and learning
e.g., Specific learning difficulties (SpLD), moderate learning difficulties (MLD), dyslexia, dyscalculia, and developmental coordination disorder

c. Social, emotional, and mental health difficulties (SEMH)
e.g., Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), depression, eating disorders, attachment disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [OCD], anxiety.

d. Sensory and/or physical needs
e.g., vision impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI) or a multi-sensory impairment (MSI), Cerebral Palsy (CP), Epilepsy.

e. Medical needs
We will follow the statutory guidance on supporting students at school with specific medical conditions. We will plan and deliver education provision in accordance with the student's healthcare plan, if they have one.

We are aware that there are other factors which are not SEND but which may impact on progress & attainment including:
• Disability (the CoP outlines "reasonable adjustment" duty under Disability Equality legislation – these alone are not SEN)
• Health & Welfare
• Being in receipt of Pupil Premium grant
• Being a Child in Care or Looked after Child.
• Being a child of service personnel
The admission arrangements for students without a statement or EHCP do not discriminate against or disadvantage disabled students or those with SEND.

2. What are the school's policies for the identification & assessment of pupils with Special Educational Needs?

a. Identification of Need
• Visits to and discussions with students’ primary schools prior to transition ensure any additional needs are identified early on. Discussions with SENCos from previous schools also take place for students joining us in Year 12.
• Staff may raise concern with the SENCo when a student is not making progress despite working hard.
• All students are screened on entry in Year 7 for speed of working in handwriting, reading, comprehension. Some students are identified here as requiring some additional support.
• Directors of Study may raise concern with the SENCo when a student’s monitoring grades show a decline or no improvement in progress.
• Parents may raise concern with the SENCo if they feel that their child is struggling with their learning.
• The SDS team may recognise a need when conducting lesson observations and learning walks.
• Consolidation of feedback and data from teachers, parents, students and the SDS Team ensures that all views are heard when considering whether a student requires additional support.

b. Assessment of Need
The SENCo uses a variety of standardised assessments which can highlight specific areas of difficulty including:
• Receptive and expressive language difficulties
• Reading speed
• Decoding
• Memory
• Processing speed
• Handwriting speed
• Dyslexia screeners

We will also work with parents to submit and support referrals for assessments for Autism and ADHD.

What are the school's policies for making provision for students with SEND, whether or not students have Education Health and Care Plans?

a. Our students with SEND have most of their needs met in the classroom, through high quality teaching. Staff use the Mainstream Core Standards to support. These can be found by clicking here.
b. Teachers have access to live information which outlines specific provision requirements for students with SEND as well as other vulnerable students. This may include Pupil Passports and Learning Plans. This information is updated as required by SDS and staff are informed.
c. Teachers are regularly updated on the best strategies to use with individuals with specific learning needs and they adapt their approach according to the recommendations.
d. Where provision for SEND is required, we work alongside students, families and teachers to plan personalised support strategies and setting targets to facilitate progress. These are formalised in Pupil Passports and personalised Learning Plans. Learning Plans are reviewed with all parties three times per year.
e. Students with SEND may meet criteria for an examination access arrangement. Please refer to our comprehensive Access Arrangements Policy for detailed information. Click here to view.


Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP)

Where the school has done everything it can to identify, assess and meet the needs of the student, and they are still not making the expected progress, the school or parents may consider requesting an Education, Health and Care assessment.
EHCPs are issued by the Local Authority where necessary and are used by the school to plan SEND provision for students with more complex needs. The EHCP includes:
• A detailed profile of the student, their strengths, and aspirations for the future
• Any education, health and care needs they have
• The goals or outcomes for the student, agreed by the family and professionals for the next phase of their education
• Any education, health, and social care provision in place to meet their needs
• A detailed annual support plan/action plan which sets out the goals for the student for the next year, and the strategies that everyone supporting the student will put in place to support them.

The process for requesting an EHCP in Kent can be found by clicking here.

How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision of SEND?

• The quality of teaching is regularly reviewed across the school by Middle and Senior Leaders and teachers are supported to ensure that they are able to implement the strategies suggested to support individuals.
• There is a collaborative approach to working with SEND students; strategies and their impact are regularly reviewed by the teachers, Directors of Study and the SDS Team

A variety of methods are employed to monitor the effectiveness of provision:
• Monitoring of classroom practice by SENCo, Directors of Study and Subject Leaders
• Feedback is regularly sought from subject teachers and SENCo and used to share good practice as well as refine advice to staff
• Analysis of student tracking data and assessment results for individual students
• Value added data for students on the SEND register
• Monitoring of procedures and practice by SEND Governor
• Provision mapping SEND intervention to measure and evaluate outcome.
In line with Kent’s Strategy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 2021-2024 the school has completed an audit of provision based on its Mainstream Core Standards.

What are the school's arrangements for assessing and reviewing progress of students with SEND?

• Every student in the school has their progress reviewed regularly and this information will be shared with both parents and students.
• Three sets of monitoring grades are published during the year, timed to coincide with mentoring and key events, such as options choices.
• Learning Plans are reviewed and adapted where required.
• EHCPs are reviewed with students, parents, Directors of Study and the SENCo three times per year.
• Students with more complex needs may be monitored more frequently.

What is the school's approach to teaching students with SEND?

The school strives to be fully inclusive. All students are welcome, including those with special educational needs, in accordance with the LEA Admissions Policy.
• Generic advice is provided to staff
• Specialist strategies implemented for individuals on a case-by-case basis
• Staff respond to the advice given by SDS to personalize strategies for the requirements of their subjects and to meet the student's specific needs
• Differentiated teaching in lessons through high quality teaching
• Subject specific interventions
• Referral to specific outside agencies for assessment and support
• Where appropriate, SEND support including a tailored plan with specific targets

How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for students with SEND?

• Teaching staff implement the Mainstream Core Standards in all lessons to adapt their teaching for a variety of learning needs.
• Teachers use the advice given on students’ Pupil Passports, Learning Plans, and live notes in order to tailor their lessons appropriately.
• Inclusion on the SEND register provides the student with the opportunity to be in receipt of the necessary intervention outside of the classroom to enable them to access the curriculum fully.

What additional support for learning is available to students with SEND?

• Specific, additional, and time-limited interventions provided for some students with more complex needs.
• Targeted provision for a minority of students where it is necessary to provide highly tailored intervention to accelerate progress or enable students to achieve their potential. This may include specialist interventions such as peer mentoring or external services.
• We can support the administration of medication if it is recommended by health professionals. See school policy on Supporting Students with Medical Conditions.

What extracurricular activities are available to students with SEND?

• Participation in extracurricular activities is encouraged at Oakwood Park through our Excel program, as it fosters a sense of community and enables students to develop as individuals and team players
• Measures are taken to ensure an inclusive approach to participation in a wide range of activities.
• A full and diverse enrichment programme is at the heart of the school curriculum – every effort is made to enable full access by students with SEND
• More information about extracurricular opportunities can be found by clicking here.

What support is available for improving the emotional and social development of students with SEND?

• The culture and structures within the school aim to encourage the emotional and social development for all students, including those with SEND. OPGS achieved the Wellbeing Award for Schools in 2023 in recognition of this nurturing culture.
• Additional provision e.g.,peer mentoring and buddying, social skills groups, board games club are put in place for students needing additional support.
• Our school counsellor is BACP registered and very experienced with working in schools. She works one day per week and leads hour long 1:1 sessions with students from any year group. A course of sessions is time limited to 6 weeks.
• Oakwood Park Grammar School is a mindful school and SDS staff are trained to deliver the MiSP .b programme. Years 7,8 and 9 receive mindfulness training as part of their PSHE curriculum or during form time. Students experiencing anxiety problems may also undertake the programme on a 1:1 basis.
• Year 7 students are supported by our Year 12 Peer Mentors.
• Students may go to our Quiet Room at break and lunch if they find the noise and busy environment of the playground uncomfortable. These are staffed by our student Wellbeing Ambassadors.

4. What expertise and training does the school staff have in relation to SEND and how will specialist expertise be secured?

Ongoing training opportunities are provided throughout the year as part of the school's CPD programme, led by the SENCo, in response to the changing needs of our students e.g.
•Whole school dyslexia training
•Whole School ASC training
•Whole School ADHD training
•Whole school training for processing needs
•Staff given personalized training on student specific needs e.g. Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes, EDA
•SENCo, FLO and Directors of Study trained on Anxiety Based School Avoidance support.
•Annual child protection training for all staff and governors
•ECTs, trainees and new teachers to the school access specific SEND training as part of theinduction process
•SDS staff receive additional training according to student need throughout the year.


SDS Expertise:


•Postgraduate Award of Proficiency in Access Arrangements
•Autism Level 2
•Certificate in Counselling Skills [NHS]

SDS Asst
BDA Dyslexia Level 5 [pending]

5. How are equipment and facilities to support children and young people with special needs secured?

  • •Equipment and facilities for students with SEN are considered as part of the whole school budget.
  • •Specific individual requests are judged on a case-by-case basis, and we make every effortto provide all students with the resources required to succeed.
  • •High Needs Funding provision is by application to County in exceptional circumstances
  • •Room changes are made to tailor for individual needs, where necessary e.g. to enable ground floor access for wheelchair users.

6. How are parents of children with special needs consulted about, and involved in, the education of their child?

We aim to promote a culture of collaboration with parents, schools, the LEA, and others through:
• Ensuring all parents are made aware of the school's arrangements for SEND including the opportunities for meetings between parents and SENCo.
• Involving parents as soon as a concern has been raised. This may be done at a parent consultation or by personal appointment/ telephone call/ Teams meeting with the Director of Study and/or SENCo.
• Providing access to the SENCo to discuss the students’ needs and approaches to address them.
• Supporting parents' understanding of external agency advice and support.
• Adhering to the code of confidentiality by ensuring information concerning the student with SEND is shared with relevant persons on a need-to-know basis, via secure e-mail.
• Undertaking annual, and mid-year, reviews for students with Learning Plans and Education Health Care Plans

7. How are young people with special educational needs consulted about their education?

• Students are involved in target setting and identifying teaching and learning strategies that work for them as part of a review of Learning Plans and EHCP reviews.
• Students and their families are consulted for input into the Pupil Passports.
• Students' views are listened to and considered with regards every aspect of their education.
• Self-advocacy and independence are encouraged through the Pastoral system and SDS interventions.
• Student Voice is strong within the school.
• The SDS Team discuss all arrangements for support, including examination arrangements with each student individually.

8. How does the school deal with complaints from parents of students with special educational needs concerning the provision made at the school?

Any complaints regarding the provision made for students with special educational needs should be addressed in the first instance to the Director of Study who may refer your concerns to the SENCo or Deputy Headteacher.
The school's complaints procedure can be found on the school's website by clicking here.

9. How are the bodies, including health and social services bodies, Local Authority support services and voluntary organisations, involved in meeting the needs of students with SEND and in supporting the families of such students?

The school has arrangements for securing access to external support services for students with special educational needs. This may include liaison with special schools and other specialists.
There is regular liaison and exchange of information between the SENCo and these services, particularly at LIFT and meetings with the Specialist Teaching & Learning Service [STLS].

The main agencies are listed below:
• Educational Psychologists
• Clinical Psychologists
• Specialist Nurses and School Nurse Services
• Speech and Language therapists
• Specialist Teaching & Learning Services [STLS]
• KCC Complex Care Team
• Inclusion Support Services Kent (ISSK)
• Social Services
• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and Children's and Young Peoples Mental Health
Services (CYPMHS)
• Maidstone Mediation
• Porchlight mentoring
• Early Help
• Project Salus

10. What local support is there for the parents of pupils with SEND?

Information about local support is located via the links below:

Mainstream Core Standards
Kent SEND Strategy
Kent Autistic Trust

11. What are the school's arrangements for supporting students with SEND when they join the school, and supporting them to move to further education, training or employment/adulthood and independent living?

All children and young people with SEND and their families may be particularly anxious about changing classes or "moving on" from school to school. We work closely with families and our partner organisations to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible.

Year 7 Transition

• Primary school visits to all feeder schools by a senior member of staff, which includes the school SENCo
• Consultation with Year 6 teacher & primary school SENCo
• Dedicated transition day in July
• Extra support on an individual basis as required e.g. familiarisation visits to OPGS
• Pupil Passports written for all students with additional needs, circulated to staff.

Year 8 and 9 to GCSE Transition

• Dedicated careers and options lessons integrated into the KS3 curriculum
• IAG appointments for all year 8 students before options choices made
• Options information evening for parents and students
• Enrichment tasters for 'new' GCSE subjects
• Subject specific mentoring (all subjects)
• Extra support on an individual basis as required

GCSE to A Level Transition

• Application process for Sixth form/college fully supported
• Taster day for A-Level/Pre-U subjects available at Oakwood Park
• Individual subject mentoring
• IAG appointment for all with careers specialist
• Form tutor support
• Dedicated careers and options lessons integrated into the extended learning curriculum
• Careers Evening

A Level to Post Compulsory (University/College/Apprenticeships etc.)

• Careers appointments for all with Careers advisor
• IAG coordinator open door policy for extra support
• UCAS application support.
• Enrichment programme (adulthood/independent living skills)

Mid-Year Transfers

Personalised transition arrangements as required


This policy is written in line with the requirements of:-
• SEND review: right support, right place, right time. 2022
• Children and Families Act 2014
• SEND Code of Practice 2014
    § SI 2014 1530 Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014
    § Part 3 Duties on Schools – Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators
    § Schedule 1 regulation 51– Information to be included in the SEND information report
    § Schedule 2 regulation 53 – Information to be published by a local authority in its local offer
• Equality Act 2010
• Schools Admissions Code, DfE 2021
• SI 2012 1124 The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012
• SI 2013 758 The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013
• Kent’s Strategy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 2021-2024

This policy needs to be read in conjunction with the following school policies:
• Access Arrangements Policy
• Accessibility Plan
• Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy
• Complaints Procedure
• Education of Children in Care Policy
• E-Safety Policy
• Safeguarding Policy
• Single Equalities Policy
• Supporting Students with Medical Conditions
• Therapy Policy
• Wellbeing Policy

Last Reviewed: September 2023