16+ Travel Card and Bursary

Kent 16+ Travel Card​​

The Kent 16+ Travel Card scheme administration has changed for the next academic year.  Previously the application was online and payment made via the school.

Applications will continue to be online, but payment will be direct to KCC at the time of the application using a debit/credit card.  It is also possible to print off an application form and send a cheque or postal order to KCC.  Applications need to be received at KCC by Sunday 31st July to ensure the pass can be collected on the first day of the Autumn Term.

​The students have the opportunity to purchase a full year pass at £600 and can also pay in instalments.

Any students who are eligible for the Bursary can elect to use their bursary to pay for the travel card.  They will need to complete a paper application form together with a photograph and submit it to the Finance Office.

Further information is available on the KCC 16+ Travel Card page

Bursary Application Form 2024-25

Bursary Statement 2024-25