Communication Support

Many of our students need a helping hand when they join us in Year 7. This might be because their primary school was very small and OPGS seems overwhelming in comparison. It may be because they are the only boy coming to us from their previous setting or it may be that confidence is low. Some of our boys with ASD may also struggle in this regard.

We therefore have a range of support to break the ice and help ease them into life at secondary school.

CBT Board Games

This intervention is for an invited group of around four students who might benefit from learning the unwritten rules of social interaction. The game uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques to look at social situations from a different perspective, empathy and managing difficult emotions.

The Invisible Rules Club

Sometimes students prefer to work with parents on the unwritten rules of social interaction. We have therefore created a programme for parents to use with their child at home.

Talk 4 Teens

The Talk 4 Teens programme is for a small group of students who would benefit from developing their social competence. This includes picking up on social cues, friendship skills and appropriate responses. This is a discussion-based programme with some interactive games-based activities.


Sometimes our students fall out with each other and struggle to see the other’s point of view. We can offer a short series of mediation sessions to help them work it out and move forwards with a more positive relationship. This consists of a 1:1 session with each student and then group sessions to share and hear others’ views and opinions.