Dress Code

OPGS has a non-binary dress code.

Students must wear business attire such as a formal jacket and trousers/skirt.

No strappy or low cut tops.

Shirts/blouses/tops must not have logos or writing on them. Ties must be worn with shirts.

No sweatshirts.

Skirts must not be too short or clingy.

Above the knee skirts must be worn with 40 denier tights or thicker.

Trousers should be formal in style. Leggings or drawstring trousers are not permitted.

No Leather or Pleather.

Students are permitted to wear studs in ear piercings. A single small stud is allowed for a nose piercing. Septum jewellery must not be visible.

Extremes of hair style and/or colour are unacceptable.

No visible tattoos.

Formal footwear must be worn.

No hats.

No durags.