Faculty Tutor Programme
On joining OPGS Sixth Form, students will join either the STEM Faculty, with form tutors who specialise in science, technology or mathematics, or the HASS Faculty, with tutors whose academic background is the humanities, arts and social sciences. The role of tutors is to provide a wider variety of educational input than the course content of A levels allows. As a result, OPGS Sixth Formers leave us with a well rounded knowledge of their subject area and the confidence to express educated opinions subjects connected to their own. Students will attend weekly lectures given by staff. These lectures connect current events with students’ chosen subject areas. OPGS students are therefore, not only experts in their own faculty, but are also well versed in current affairs.
As students move into Year 13, they will take part in weekly faculty debates against their peers. Although initially daunting, this encourages confidence and resilience that they will take with them to university and the workplace.
Students will remain with their tutor into Year 13. This enables tutors to give subject specific support with UCAS applications and consistent pastoral support as students navigate their coursework and A level examinations.
OPGS students will also be supported in their transition to challenging A levels, and their new found independence, by their Form Tutor, Year Head, our Sixth Form guidance councillor and a Student Support Team who offer mindfulness sessions. As a school we pride ourselves on a strong pastoral and academic support program and students are as likely to have conversations regarding their progress with the Sixth Form Leadership Team as they are with their Form Tutor.
Students will be supported with their career and progression routes through a comprehensive Information, Advice and Guidance programme. In Year 12, in addition to regular form time sessions, students will take part in career focussed enrichment days with access to the latest careers software and online resources. We have a strong parent and alumni network to provide work experience and advice. All students will have the opportunity to meet for individual career interviews and throughout the year there is a flexible time allocated for Work Shadowing. In Year 13, students will receive support and guidance throughout the University application process and with alternative pathways if preferred. OPGS students go on to universities and degree apprenticeships. OPGS will ensure that Sixth Formers are kept fully up to date on Higher Education and Employment opportunities, including changes to University Tuition Fees and Degree Apprenticeships.