Rewards and Sanctions

At all times, students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which will credit themselves and our school.  They should wear the Oakwood Park Grammar School uniform with pride and remember that they represent the school whilst wearing it. 

Attention is drawn particularly to the importance of behaviour on public transport.  Parents are requested to make it clear to students that inappropriate behaviour whilst travelling to and from school is likely to result in a severe penalty.  Courtesy to the elderly, the disabled and other members of the travelling public is assumed at all times, especially on public transport. 


The school rules are underpinned by the following principles: 

  • All members of the school community should be treated with kindness, respect and tolerance.  
  • All students are expected to respect other students’ right to learn and teachers’ right to teach.
  • All members of the school community should strive for excellence and excellence will be celebrated. 
  • All members of the school community should respect the school environment. 

This is achieved through students adhering to the following School Rules: 

  • Students will treat all members of the school community with respect and courtesy. 
  • All students are expected to show pride in their school through the wearing of correct uniform and by the way in which they represent the school community. 
  • Students will be punctual, both in terms of arrival to school and lessons and when submitting homework. 
  • Students will demonstrate the highest standards of behaviour when off site whilst in school uniform or when involved in a study visit/excursion.  
  • Students will behave in a courteous, respectful and responsible manner when using public transport to and from school. 
  • Students will have correct equipment with them for each lesson. 
  • Mobile phones must not be used in school and should be kept in lockers during the school day.  Their unauthorised use whilst on the school premises will lead to confiscation. 
  • Electronic devices and earphones are not to be used in corridors and will be confiscated. 
  • ‘Smart watches’ are not to be worn in school. 
  • Students must not leave the school site or enter into ‘out of bounds’ areas at lunch and break time. 
  • Bullying in any form will not be tolerated and will be dealt with firmly. 
  • Smoking on the school premises or whilst in school uniform is forbidden. 
  • Potential weapons must not be brought to school. 
  • Possession or the use of alcohol or drugs on the school premises or whilst in school uniform is forbidden and can lead to permanent exclusion. 

The use of rewards and sanctions is closely linked to the fundamental principle which underpins our school rules: 

‘The school expects all students to strive towards fulfilling their academic potential by maintaining high levels of attainment, effort and conduct.’ 


  • Students can earn achievement points for excellent work, effort or progress. In addition, points can be gained through participation in whole school events such as house competitions, sports day, charity fund raising or inter-form competitions. 
  • Prizes for individual or form winners are awarded at the end of the academic year and within each key stage there are interim rewards for reaching a particular number of achievement points.   
  • Students can be nominated by staff to receive a tie which marks their particular contribution to sport, music, drama or outstanding academic performance across a range of subjects.   
  • Students in Year 10 and Year 12 have the opportunity to apply for the role of prefect, with those in Year 12 also being able to apply for the senior prefect team and subject prefects.   
  • Both achievement and conduct points are logged on Edulink so that parents can view them and celebrate their son’s successes.


Sanctions can be imposed when a student breaks one of our school rules or is acting in a manner which is affecting their own learning or that of other students.   

All disciplinary matters within the classroom are initially dealt with on a departmental level, unless they are serious enough to warrant an immediate referral to a Director of Study or Deputy Headteacher. 


On occasion it may be necessary to issue a student with an after school detention.  The school may keep students behind for up to one hour and currently, out of courtesy, we give 24 hours’ notice to parents informing them of the date, time and reason for the detention. Parents will be notified by email. 

After school detentions can be issued by Heads of Department, Directors of Study and the Senior Leadership Team.

SLG Homework Detention

All homework is set via the school’s website, this allows parents to support students in ensuring that homework is completed on time.   

If a student does not meet the homework deadline they are given 24 hours in which to hand in the late homework.  

If a student fails to hand in the homework, despite this extension, they will be issued with a SLG Homework Detention.  This takes place every Friday at 3.25pm for the duration of one hour.