School Uniform

School Uniform – Years 7 to 11

  • OPGS School tie with house colours – this must be visible and show seven stripes.*
  • Students are not permitted to wear any other tie other than those awarded by the school.
  • OPGS Blazer with school badge.*
  • Plain white shirt which must be tucked in at all times with top button done up.
  • OPGS black v neck pullover*
  • Plain black trousers ('jean style', ‘super skinny’ or 'chino style' trousers are not permitted)

Those items marked * are branded items which can be purchased from uniform suppliers Monkhouse (formerly Simmonds)

Oakwood Park Grammar School (URN-136727) - School (

Should you wish to visit a store to try on uniform before purchase, the nearest store to OPGS can be found at Newnham Court, just off the M20, near Bearsted.  You can use the website to book an appointment should you wish to do so.

Please note, the school pullover is optional. The total cost of branded uniform items, including the pullover, based on a large sizing is £85.75.  The total cost of branded uniform items, not including the pullover, based on large sizing is £50.25.

If your child is in receipt of free school meals please contact the finance office should you need any support with purchasing school uniform -

  • Black socks.
  • Black shoes (trainer or trainer style are not permitted)
  • Plain black belt (if worn). ‘Designer’ belts are not permitted.
  • Earrings, ear studs and jewellery are not permitted, nor the piercing of any part of the body.
  • Plain dark outdoor coat (no hoodies)
  • Hair must be natural in colour and extreme hairstyles are not permitted.  Long hair must be tied back.  The Headteacher reserves the right to ask pupils with very long hair to have it cut back to a reasonable length. Students should not have anything lower than a grade 2 haircut.
  • Bags should be substantial and able to cope with carrying a minimum of three A4 sized textbooks. A minimum capacity of 10 litres is recommended.

Please note:

  1. Students are expected to travel to school in full school uniform and should arrive to school in full school uniform.
  2. Hoodies are not permitted in school. As per our uniform expectations students wearing hoodies in school, or during break and lunch will have them confiscated.
  3. If you need to purchase new school shoes please note that trainer style shoes are not permitted. Shoes should be formal in style.  Please see an examples below of trainer style shoes. Do not purchase shoes of this style.


  1. For students in Years 7 to 11 Earrings, ear studs and jewellery are not permitted, nor the piercing of any part of the body.  Students will not be permitted to cover earrings with a plaster and will be asked to remove the earring.

Please ensure that if you need to order items, such as school shoes, that this is done early in the holiday. All students should return to school wearing full school uniform. 

P.E. Kit – Years 7 to 11

  • OPGS Rugby Shirt
  • OPGS PE t-shirt
  • OPGS Rugby shorts
  • OPGS Sports socks

All other items of PE kit, such as tracksuits are optional.  Therefore, the total cost of PE kit, based on a large sizing is £97.25. All items can be purchased from Monkhouse

Purchasing Uniform

  • With the exception of branded items marked (*) all other items can be purchased from high street or online retailers.
  • We have an active and involved PA who run pre-loved uniform sales throughout the academic year which can make replacing items which students have outgrown less expensive.  

Equipment List - Years 7 to 11

It is vital that students come to school with the correct equipment and with the following:

  • A pencil case
  • A sufficient supply of black and blue pens.
  • At least two HB pencils.
  • At least one green writing pen.
  • A scientific calculator.
  • A ruler, compass and protractor.
  • An eraser.
  • Colouring pencils.
  • Highlighter pens.